Spring time makes me think about visiting Venice. It never fails to inspire me. I love the fact that you really feel like you have stepped back in time when you visit. The water everywhere appears to bathe the buildings in wonderful light. These reflections give such a jewel like quality to the place. The late afternoon light is especially magical with the long shadows. But it is possibly still the people that fascinate me most, going about their everyday lives.
I can see from my sketches that I was particularly fascinated by the Venice gondoliers. I was keen to capture their posture and their techniques with the pole. Here are a collection of my pencil and watercolour sketches:-
Sketch book Gondoliers in a row |
More pencil sketches |
Gondolas on the Grand canal |
Bobbing gondolas |
Gondolier sketch |
Gondoliers in a row |
I will be exhibiting some Venice paintings at Artex later this month.